Teen Voice It

4:30 pm to 5:15 pm

This program offers teens the opportunity to discuss issues surrounding their personal lives and issues around the world.  Sessions are designed to give teens an outlet to talk about the problems they encounter each day.  Our goal is to make sure the teens know their voices are heard and we are here for them.  

Participants must pre-register.  To register online visit https://recreation.cityofflorence.com/ParksRec/Home or call Charles or Jaylen at the Barnes Street Activity Center, (843)665-3253.   Participants must be a member of the Teen Program.  To become a member there is a $6 annual membership fee.  This fee can be paid with exact change at the community center or by coming to the Recreation Services Administrative office at 513 Barnes Street.  If you have questions or would like more information about this program please contact Charles, Teen Program Specialist at the Barnes Street Activity Center, (843)665-3253.

Masks and temperature checks are required. 

Repeats every week every Tuesday and every Thursday 8 times.
Barnes Street Activity Center