Notification of Sanitary Sewer Overflow on Jeffries Creek

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For Immediate Release – March 12, 2024

Notification of Sanitary Sewer Overflow on Jeffries Creek

Media Contacts:

Josh Whittington, Utilities Director – 843-665-3236 or


FLORENCE, SC – In July 2008, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC) required wastewater collection system operators, including the City of Florence, to enact public notification programs related to sanitary sewer overflows. In response to this regulatory requirement, the City developed a policy for releasing information on overflows of 5,000 gallons or more.

On Sunday, March 3, 2024, the City of Florence was notified, and a utility crew responded to a reported wastewater overflow from a manhole near 3300 Palmetto Street along the boardwalk on the City of Florence Trail System. Staff located the sewer manhole and assessed the situation but was unable to identify any break in the service line. Utilities staff attributes the overflow to the high-water levels in Jeffries Creek due to heavy rain on March 2nd. With additional rains on March 6-7th, and March 9th, water levels remain high creating conditions for continued overflow. The City of Florence is monitoring this location and once water levels decrease will conduct dye testing to identify where water is infiltrating the system in order to resolve the issue. 

DHEC was notified of the sanitary sewer overflow on March 4, 2024.  It is estimated that 115,200 gallons of sewage was discharged from the surcharging manhole and flowed into Jefferies Creek. City crews have now cleaned visible solids at the overflow site and used lime to disinfect the affected area according to DHEC guidelines and will continue the process as needed until the issue is resolved. The analyzed bacteriological samples from Jeffries Creek document that there is no threat to public health or the environment.

The information provided is pursuant to the City of Florence’s policy of public notification for sanitary sewer overflows. For further information, please contact Josh Whittington, Utilities Director at (843) 665-3236 or SC DHEC at (843) 661-4825.


March 12, 2024 Press Release

