Florence City Council Meeting Highlights

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July 11, 2022

Today, on behalf of Duke Energy, Mindy Taylor presented the Duke Energy Emergency Preparedness and Storm Resiliency Grant

to the City of Florence at the regular City Council meeting.


mayor, fire chief, and duke energy


Resolution No. 2022-20 was presented at the regular City Council meeting to Marguerite Willis, wife of former Mayor Frank Willis -

A Resolution to commemorate the many contributions of Frank Willis to the City of Florence and the community as well as designate the

City’s surface water treatment plant located at 2598 Florence Harllee Boulevard as the “Frank E. Willis Pee Dee River Regional Water Plant”.


councilman and fsd1


Resolution No. 2022-23 was presented at the regular City Council meeting - A Resolution to honor all Florence School District One

high school students that graduated high school with an Associate Degree from Florence Darlington Technical College.


councilman and FDTC