Florence Begins Phase One of Stormwater Improvements to Existing Stormwater Lines on December 7, 2022

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For Immediate Release – December 5, 2022

Media Contacts:

Clint Moore, Asst. City Manager of Planning & Development,cmoore@cityofflorence.com /843-665-2047
Randy Osterman, City Manager, rosterman@cityofflorence.com /843-665-3113

FLORENCE, SC:   The City of Florence is kicking off the first phase of its Stormwater Capital Improvement Program. This will include heavy cleaning and debris removal of approximately 11,000 linear feet of existing storm drain line near the following streets: Malden Drive, Saint Anthony Avenue, Sandhurst Drive and Waccamaw Drive.

Flooding has been a concern in Florence for some time. Rain events are increasing in frequency and severity, and it is time we act,” said Mayor Teresa Myers Ervin. “The fact is, infrastructure decays with use, and we need to make these upgrades to protect our homes, our businesses, and our city. This is the first step towards a safer, more resilient future for Florence.” 

Significant rain events have stressed infrastructure that needs to be improved due to age or its initial design capacity. In recent months, the remnants of Hurricane Ian tested the stormwater system. Work is scheduled to begin on December 7th, 2022, and be completed in the spring of 2023. During this time, residents can expect City staff and contractors to be completing a variety of tasks in the areas mentioned above. This may include cleaning out underground pipes, performing field inspections of structures and ditches, and testing water quality. Most work will be completed in the public right-of-way. Staff will contact home and business owners directly if they need access to private property.

Additionally, the engineering and design for the stormwater improvements in the Pennsylvania Street watershed is underway. Residents living in this area should expect to see surveying, and other field work to help determine the best solutions for the stormwater issues within this area. Future projects within our Stormwater Capital Improvement Program also include improvements to watershed areas in the vicinities of Rebecca Street, Cannon Street, and Woodland Drive.

City staff is looking for public input to help refine locations that are experiencing flooding, drainage concerns or water quality issues in preparation of a Stormwater Master Plan. Signs of stormwater issues include flooded yards, impassable streets, discolored or foul-smelling stormwater runoff or sediment deposits after a storm. The city will hold four public meetings next year to facilitate this conversation.

Florence Begins Phase One of Stormwater Improvements Press Release PDF