Important information for those who work, live, and/or visit Downtown Florence
Starting Monday, February 22nd, the County Complex surface parking lot and the small surface parking lot in-between El Agave and 127 West Evans Street will be closed as Florence County starts their lot demolition and improvement work. Florence County has advised our office that these lots will be unavailable through May 31st. During that time, the new Florence County parking garage will be open and provide 400, FREE parking spots. This garage can be accessed by turning off of North Irby Street just pass the County Complex building and the exit will let out to North Dargan Street.
Along with the new County parking garage, you can also utilize these other FREE parking options:
• The City of Florence parking garage located in The Emerson
• Surface lots located off North Dargan Street and East NB Baroody Street
• On-street, two-hour limit parking located throughout the Historic District
Please refer to the below closure map and visit to view the parking map.