The City’s Design Firm, CDM Smith, to Collect Wastewater Data in the Jeffries Creek Area

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For Immediate Release –November 9, 2022

Media Contacts:

Michael Hemingway, Utilities Director – 843-665-3236 or

FLORENCE, SC –   The City of Florence is informing residents that CDM Smith will soon be performing a field review in the Jeffries Creek area. As the City explores resources to improve its wastewater collection system, this project will assess possibilities of increasing its sewer capacity necessary for sustainable growth in the Florence area.

We request your cooperation, as it may be necessary for engineers, surveyors, and other field staff to access your property along the existing sewer line to conduct surveys and verify location of existing utilities. Crews will generally stay along the roadway, creek, and/or within existing public rights-of-way/easements when possible.

All individuals entering your property are instructed to protect the property and fully cooperate with property owners. Once the evaluation is complete, permission for an additional investigation may be requested from certain property owners.

Please contact our engineering consultant, John Epting with CDM Smith, at 803-758-4509 if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.


Press Release November 9 2022 PDF